Monday 22 July 2013

1st Mobility to Hungary

Budapest -  23th of November – 26th of November



There are 4 nurseries schools in the district. Nurseries school is part of social sphere and the kinder garden is part of the education of children with disabilities. In nursery school children are till 3 years old in kinder garden are elders.  There is only one child with special needs which is documented and 3 more who are in process of diagnosing. The diagnosing process last 1 month and is make by expert commission.

The process steps in work with disabled children is:

1) Work with all kids and making their daily things

2) After daily things and plays, the resource teacher is working and identifying the disabilities of the kids.

The nurseries school is in green district with few parks and real estate building, the population is not as big as in other part in Budapest and they are trying to keep this family atmosphere.  In district has 4 nurseries with 346 places in them – they have 338 kids in them.

The legislation controls the number of children. In 1997 was prepared the law which regulates everything. They can have 12 kids under 2 years and 14 elder in each group. If there are children with special needs - number can be maximum 10 kids in each group. It is possible to have 2 kids with special needs, but this is the maximum number in each group and in this case they have 2 nouns, and they can have 12 or 14 kids, but in that case they have one extra person – educator, which has colleague degree which is 3 years.  

Between 10-14 o’clock all groups are together and playing. The working time starts at 6 o’clock in the morning and sometime kids are arriving before this time. They have very special system about kids who will be in school before 6 a.m. and finding noun that will be at work earlier – only one have to be in the nursery school. Each group have room, there are 10 groups, 20 nouns and special staff – psychologist, etc.  They have 128 kids in the garden where we were.  The school is open until 6 p.m. to have parents’ possibilities to take their kids.

The special needs teachers and integrated children are supported since 1991

Integration is not obligatory, but voluntary. If they want to be special school they have to guarantee the tools which are needed – staff and equipment.

If they have family which have special kid and wants to apply for concrete kinder garden if it is not integrated they are allowed to cancel this application, but if they have the equipment and staff, they can accept the kid at the moment and to change whole situation. In Italy is quite opposite – it is obligated to be integrated kinder garden.

It is not obligated to be integrated kinder garden, but this institution is experienced and can arrange all process of integration and rearrange everything. In schools



  1. Presentation of each participant and his/her background and field of expertise

Parents (not Mother)  and child group – harmony, good atmosphere, conductors been supported, discipline, therapy, singing and smiling, main principle is LEARNING BY DOING, BUY DOING, BY DOING…..Train – they have to put their feet on the train singing and to take it out in the rhythm of the music. Mother work together with the child and when they back home they know how to make all exercises with their children including bath and toilet.

Children’s integration – they see the reverse integration. We can have integration, the real one when we change our attitudes and become more aware on special children’s needs. The reason children without disabilities to be part of this group /for children with special needs/, is because they have brothers or sisters in it. They have different programs for development of their speech, motor abilities etc.

CONFERENCE - 25th of November

During the conference the achievement of conducting education had been presented, including the new researches made by students in the University.

The conference demonstrated the existence of a vigorous professional and academic community, committed to the promotion of inclusive education. 


From Bulgarian perspective the experience of the site visits and the meetings in Budapest brings forward several issues for reflection and further exploration.

It seems that in order to be successful, the promotion of inclusive education has to unroll simultaneously in several distinct, yet interrelated domains: public, political, legal, professional, academic, etc. In each sphere the policy of inclusion needs to have a consolidated group of supporters, who can act as change agents. Apparently in the case of Hungary significant progress has been achieved due to the groundbreaking work of the Peto Institute and the establishment of the role of conductor – a recognized profession with clear identity, mission, set of competences and underpinning body of knowledge, which bridges the traditional professional between education, medicine and social work. Such a consolidated professional group with shared values, holistic approaches and methods, does not exist in Bulgaria, and therefore the cause of inclusion yet needs to find its champion.

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