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Friday, 24 May 2013
2013 in Sofia
Kindergarten N55. „Veselina”
when we put a very big accent for integrate breeding and for inclusion in many
places people try to go before every type of exclusion.In Bulgaria we discover
that this thing is very elementary form in this country. They did not give to
many attention for the education of children, who have special needs. The rules
of the special educating in the country and the parents needing level is very
low, very backward.
our visitaion I can know the N55. „Veselina” day nursery, where are learning
320 children who are 3-7 years old. Every child learn in the group of her/his age. Int he nursery
it is working 10 groups.In every group we can find maxim 30 kids and just 1
kindergartner and 1 helper. And between the kids are just 2 who need special
cares. Both kids have psycho- motorical problems and one of the kids has
problem with the communication too.
Bulgaria we can not find just special nursery or just special groups. Most of
the time the parents lett he children at home, maybe because thez think that
the accomodation won’t be successful
and they do not give chance for the chance equality.
nursery accept the children who has special needs, they send just the children
who are very high disability to the dayli disability center, which is a part of
the health care consulation in Bulgaria.
number of the workers int he nursery is 25, one of the worker is psychologist
and one of them is logopedian. The children have chance to try one time in a week with their own choice
the swimming, the music or the dance (modern, folk), football or the karate.
institution with their opportunity try to make conditions what is need for an
efficient education. They teach the
children who have special needs for they growth level and try to prepare them
for the school, because after 2000 the integration is working int he schools.
In this nursery we can find too the school prepare group, where the children
can learn mathemathics, mesology, mother language knowlegments.
nursery is working with government financing, for the teaching of the children
every month the parents pay 30 Euro, witch is include the payments of the
teaching, the feeding, the safeness, because in front of the building a
guardener take care of the childrens safeness.
institutions equipment is acceptable. The rooms are kindless, coloured, and it
is separated, like the children have place where they can sleep and places
where they can play and learn. The nursery has a big garden where the children
can play with the control of the kindergartener. But the toys are not
acceptable for the EU expectations.
our visitain we get experience that the educators endors the integrate nursing
just in a few kids who have special needs. We wa suprised, because for us it is
very important that the normal kids can learn how to accept them, to give help,
to can be tolerate, acceptable, but for this normal kids need to see and work
with children who needs special cares
from when they are just babys.
Laura - Laura Ház
2013 in Sofia
„Child and Space” – Small group care home
the second day we visited the Child and Space non profit association. This
building was made with Unicef help and it is working from 2010 and give home
for 8 the children who needs special
educations. There are children in age 3 for 18 and they live there like a
family. Here live orfans who have mantal and phisical disability. The
association try to find the way to connect with the parents, but unfortunetly
there are just 2 children who are visited by parents regulary.. The educators
and therapists work 8 hour/day
and they got individual relationship with the children.
children who live here need everduring care and they can liv just with the help
of the assiciation. They need cares laki: change the diaper, feeding etc.
in Bulgaria the children who needs special educations did not got early
developing, the children who live int he association got there the development.
There are specialist, teachers who are coming from a school,they did not teach
the children to write or read, they teach the children to how can they use
theyre body, how can they move , how can they speak or communicate with each
others. The teachers work there just to Monday to Friday and they use
developments what they discover. Because of the grade of the disability the
teachers must work with one child at the proper time, unfortunetly there are’nt sufficient worker so there are volunteers who are
helping. A young medical specialist go there and
make rehabilitaion trainings.
programs are easy but very time-consuming. They woke up ath 10 o’clock at the morning , had breakfast
, after that they go to the living room and start the developing
programs.Sometime a teacher work with 2 children but a volunter is helping. The
time of a training is maximum a half hour. The teachers work just 2 hour int he
association. In 12 are the lunch, after than if the weather let it they go for
ashort walk int he garden of the building what is little and uncared. After the
walk the team are together and come a little rest
he afternoon the medical student make short personal developments, what is
depend about the age and the demand of the child.
7 at evening is starting the evening programs: the bath, feeding and the
The integration is minimaly, they go
out just sometime and they are’nt out
long time.There are some children who can not stay on the hand-cart.
Unfortunetly the association did not have to much worker who can take care of
these children
The workshop is mostly imppssible
because of the grade of the disability.
image of the future, the way for the integration are very darksome and deep,
they don’t know what will happen after they will be 18, where they will live, unfortunetly there
aren’t little place for adult people who has disability just
big places. Now there are conversation about these problems.In this place the
grade of the disibility is very high so it is impossible to find job for them.
In Bulgaria the chance for the integration is higher int he towns like in
the hospitals, after the birth the doctor approve for the parents witch
associations can they choose for the children who needs special educations get
state nursing, and unfortunetly they can not get the early developing. Those
who have the chance to get a familiar association the workers chek up all the
things of the children and and give him/her
development programs.
Now they work in a programlike the
children who needs special educations can live with and raise with theyre
parents, but go every day to the association for developing programs.
approach of the doctors slowly changing, after the birth the mothers get 2
years liberty and every month they get a salary too.
institutions who give special cares are parts of the Health Care Ministry. Now
they try to make a new order with the help of Child Law Protection and with the
Education Ministry. They try to make little familiar places and get over of the
big institutions.
he association „Child and Space” unfortunatly they have financial problems too.
The government advocacy is very low and for this they try to find sponsors in Bulgaria
and outside of Bulgaria too.Unfortunatly the numbers who are helping is very
low too.
is working hard to can get a new strategy for the problem of the children and
adults who need special cares, try to find a solution for this, raise specialists
and give trainings for the people who want to work in these association. Try to
find solution for the integration and inclusion with the collective work of the
Demeter Eva
AS.Casa Laura –
Laura Ház
2013 in Sofia
Frédéric Joliot-Curie
In our visitation in
Bulgaria we visited the Frédéric Joliot-Curie state school in Sofia which is
one of the schools where they accept the children who needs special help. In
this school a thousand kids are learning, in every class we can find 26 child,
in age 6 to age 18. In these kids just 36 need special education.
In preliminary classes
is just one child,who need special education, in the elementary classes they
are 12, in the high school they are 16 and the lyceum they are 7, who needs
special education. The number of the teachers who work in this school is 83
person, 5 of these teachers are assistant teachers: 2 teacher of clinical
speachand 3 psychologist.
In Bulgaria there isn’t classes just for
children who needs special education, they learn with normal kids. All of the
classes is working with one teacher, independently how many kids are there who
needs special education.
In the institution they
keep count of: phizicaly-, emotionally-,mentaly-, visual- disability, and
children who have problem with learning, and children who have autistical
The school accept
cheerfully the children who have disability the sent just the children who have
grave disability to the Daycare center which is in Bulgaria a part of the
Health Care.
The institutions
financial things come from the government, they try to make the conditions for
inclusion with their possibilities.
Above all we can say
that in Bulgaria the accepting of the people who have disability are in very
elementary form.
The room where working
with the personal development we can not find to good conditions. Some places
in the building can not achiev for those who have phizical disability, the ways
on the building isn’t
clear. The parents of the children who learn here creat a parent commission,
there is a parent in this group who is the parent of a child who has
disability. The commission of the parents try to find solutions for the
problems and not at least try to teach the normal kid show to accept those who
has disability.
The school has a
classrom for optional activity, which can use after school time.
Unfortunatly in
Bulgaria thanks for political fighting no one make rules for educations. But in
this school the teachers know that for the highest inclusion it is necesarry
the cohesion, the solidarity and the efficient work like theyre motto said: „You
are not alone”
Izolda and Cristian Blanka
Laura – Laura Ház
12.April 2013 in Sofia
Sofia Municipal day care center
for social rehabilitation of disabled
The institution was
established in 1999. The institution’s capacity is 90 children and 150 adult,
but this number changes monthly, depending on the number of persons who
requires its service.
The institution is
functioning in a two-storey building. Downstairs take place the medical care,
such as physiotherapy and kinetotherapy and on the first floor operating a day
center for people with disabilities. The building was built by the support of Republic of Korea .
The institution has
specialists such as: 2 psychologists, 2 speech therapist - in separated
cabinets-, 2 art therapists, who works with disabled adults in the day center,
and a doctor physiotherapist, 3 kinetotherapists and 4 rehabilitation
The specialists
organize a meeting every single week to talk over the problems and events for
more efficient work.
Within the day
center of institution we can’t talk about inclusion, because only disabled
persons attends the programs.
They have a very
good relation to nurseries and schools where children are coming for
The head of
institution is also thinks the importance of integration, therefore they
organize joint programs, the specialists visit the institutions. They also participate in competitions, where
they can present their works.
To get into the
institution is going through a social network. In Sofia there are 9 social services, where the
specialists assess each cases and direct people to the most appropriate
center. It also belongs the child
protection institution too. The social workers occasionally verify these centers.
My experience was
that disabled youngsters’ future is quite uncertain in Sofia . They cease the big centers and created
family houses for them, but to the question to what is going to happen to them
after disabled youngsters reach 18 years they can’t answer.
The institution is
financed by the state, the parents’ contribution is 3 Euro and they are also
supported by the Republic
of Korea . This amount of
money is enough for operating the institution; therefore they can spend little
on development. The state helps to provide the special tools too. Commuting to
the institute is the peoples own cost, but if somebody is resident they can
have discount on public transport.
I also experienced
that disabled youngsters don’t have the opportunity to be in an employment, to
get a job, although there are initiatives to evolve protected workshops.
Cseresznyes Emilia
AS.Casa Laura – Laura Haz
Development therapy
centre for children with autism
In our travel in Bulgaria
I visited an university which give place for people,who need special education
further give chance for personaly and group activities.
In Bulgaria we can not
find classes just forchildren who needs special education,they learn with
normal kids.Every day the children can be here just in a time period,the other
parts of the day they are in the schools, nursery, or at home with theire
For because all these
teaching is working under a nongovernal institution the parents must pay. One
hour group activity cost 10 leva, and one hour personal activity costs 20 leva.
The number of the children changebel,but also it is low. With the children who
need special educations : minor-, mental disorder-, dixlexia-, hyperactive-
work 2 psychologist, 1 teacher of clinical speachand and one voluntar.
The group activity is
organized 2 times a week, and every group work with just 5 children. The
personaly activity is just 15 minute in a week,and every child got one educator
in this time. The activity time in a month is 16 hour, and in a year this time
is 6 month. A time of a therapy can be 6 month but can be many years too. The
activity rooms are very small and they don’t
have good equipage. Deserve attention that every week they organize a meeting
where they talk about the problems which need solution. Further in every month
a psychologist make test and give the new reports for each person-how to
develope easier and what they need.
In Bulgaria the commun
of the parents are subdivide. There are parents who can not work easily with
the workers. But at the same time it is necessary that the teachers and the
parents can work together because the children need that special education.
In summer time they
organize camps where the teachers,children and the parents attend too. Int he
camp time the parents can also learn the methodes how to develope theire
children at home too.
Casa Laura-Laura Haz
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Sofia Municipal
day care center for social rehabilitation of disabled
This institution is a day center for social rehabilitation
of disable whit strong disabilities.
It was founded in 1999.
The center is a new building, is almost totally funded by
the state of Korea, who has undertaken the construction, furnishing and the
facilities and covers their expenses. Lenders are also actively involved in the
decision-making structure of the center, for example, are now deciding the
final name of the structure.
This funding is continually reminded, in fact, on every
piece of furniture is applied the logo of the Korean state. It's just a detail,
but is representative of a very strong presence in Bulgaria by foreign lenders
with a very strong decision-making role, which determines the strategies,
techniques, and mode, apparently not always agreed with the Bulgarians
The center is structured to take charge of 90 children and
150 adults.
In Sofia there are 9 referral centers for people with
disability. Patients come to this center, a social worker (without medical
training) decide what treatments and / or actions needed by the patient and
sends it in one of the day care center of Sofia.
The center we visited is divided into two main sections: a medical/physical
rehabilitation and a section of a social rehabilitation.
Work in the centre 3 physiotherapists, 2 psychologists, 1
kinesiotherapist, 4 rehabilitators, 1 doctor, 2 speech therapists, 2 sociale
workers, 1 art therapist, 1 music and dance therapist.
All staff is qualified.
The building is divided on two floors. The medical section
is located on the ground floor. The space is divided into many room adapted for
physiotherapy and rehabilitation, someone very small where there is only the place
for the bad, othersbiggers, where at the same time 3 or 4 patients are followed.
The medical sector is mainly devoted to physiotherapy and
physical rehabilitation. The building and the equipmentsare new, but do not
seem particularly innovative.
For children there is a fully equipped room, the parents may
attend the meetings of the children or not. The decision must be made on a
case by case basis.
Patients have access to the structure for the time of
therapy or activities.
Upstairs are the offices and rooms for the activities of
social rehabilitation. Also in this case, users access in the structure to
carry out the activities, that can be do individually or in small groups.
The activities are especially artistic type, there is a
small laboratory where they are carried out small craft work (icons, paper
flowers, paintings) and there is a dance workshop - the center also
participates in dance festival for the disabled.
Some activities are focused on learning of some capacity
such as write, count, take care of their hygiene.
One of the rooms on the upper floor is called the ‘relax-room’.
It is a room where they gathered the different sources of stimulation (sounds,
colors, lights, smells, materials ...) that can stimulate and relax the
patient. It is a place of calm, which can be used by patients but inlyon the
recommendation of the social worker of reference.
The socio-rehabilitative activities are funded in part by
the state and are partly borne by the family.
Normally people come on to the structureby their own means
(car, walking, by bus…), in Sofia people with
disabilities have the agreements for the use of taxis and public transport, but
there is also a transport service.
The day care center offers important rehabilitatives
activities to developpersonal skills, but there's no path to integrate as to
support the integration of disabled people in society.
The director said that there are other organization in
Sofia with the aim of help young
disabled people to enter in the labour market, such as learning computer’s use,
but in the center that we visited there is no action to include disable people
in the life, and even to meet abled and disabled people.
Claudia Piovano – PROGETTI Nonprofit kft.
Kindergarten N 55 “Veselina”
This institution is a state nursery school, attended
by 300 children at age 3/7 years.
The kindergarten in Bulgaria lasts 4 years, but the last
year is a pre-preparatory school for the elementary school. During this last year
the children have to follow a national program, have textbooks and must achieve
sufficient results in order to access the school.
The kindergarten is almost free, but parents have to pay a
monthly fee for the lunch and for some extra-curricular activities.
The extra-curricular activities are many and varied (eg,
gymnastics, folk dance ..), families can choose one of these activities but at
least one is mandatory. The cost of the asset is borne by households. These
courses are less expensive than in the private market, even if is a not insignificant cost for families
considering the average wages in Sofia.
The school is equipped with an indoor swimming pool, which
benefit all children.
The children are divided into classes by age, approximately
30 children per class. Throughout the school there are a maximum of two
children with disability. The proportion of children with disabilities is
determined by the state for each school, analyzing each school and in relation
to the capacity of host institution.
The disability of children is still not serious, because
children with strong disabilities are placed in special institutions and do not
always have access to the school system.
The school does not have to decide if accept or not the disabled child should receive one
sent by the social welfare system.
For children with disability are provided for specific
activities, such as speech therapy, special gymnastics, psychological support, support
In the nursery works a team of 27 people, including the
director, a psychologist, speech therapist, support teachers, pedagogical
teachers and assistants.
In each group work two teachers, who are together during the
lunch time, and work disability support teachers in collaboration with the
teachers of the class.
The activities speech therapy, gymnastics etc are carried
out in separate rooms.
The structure is of the seventies, is renewed, bright,
classes are well organized and equipped. Each class has a separate area for
sleeping. Every child has a small closet where leave his clothes when he gets
to school.
Parents of younger children can enter in the structure to
accompany and pick up the kids. From the second year instead of the children
are left at the door and taken over by a teacher. If parents wish, they can enter
to talk with teachers.
The school organizes an annual meeting with parents. For
children with disability, the relationship with the psychologist and teachers
is more narrow and there are many talks during the year to assess the
development of the child.
In the school - as in all the schools of Sofia - this is a
security guard. The school is also equipped with security cameras operate 24
hours on 24.
The nursery school is participating in a Comenius project to
compare experiences and environmental education with other European schools.
Claudia Piovano – PROGETTI Nonprofit kft.
Association “Chid and Space” – Small group care home
Established in 2010, with the
help of Médecins du Monde, Unicef, and other donations in Sofia, Bulgaria. It
was the first center of its kind in Bulgaria. Funded partly by the government of Bulgaria, which
is financing each children for the room and board, but not the nurses. Other
funds must be raised by the organization.
The national context
Many children were introduced
in those centers and institutionalized by carelessness of the doctors or by
their misdiagnoses. Families were urged to leave their children also with minor
problems or disabilities in that specific institutions, sometimes far away from
their home.
Nowadays, although the
legislative lacks, the policy is to close those big centers and put the
children in small group care homes. The
aim is that children would get into the small group care homes directly from
families, not from the big institutions. Also if they have the same problems
there is a difference between children according to the origin. In “Child and
Space” we knew a ten years old girl who’s been left after her birth in a big
institution and left for almost the whole time in a bed with bars and fed with
liquids. The result was terrifying: she was unable to sit and for any
communication. Although parents have no education of that kind, but certainly
they would not treat their children like that. Today the aim of the Bulgarian
specialist is to work together with families. But this is only a will for the
future, due to the many lacks existing in the country (laws, mentality and
money problems).
The problem is that in
Bulgaria the legislative deficiencies about the treatment of small children by
the institutions are existing the same way today. The chaotic political
situation of the country of these times has prevented a vote on a proposed new law with respect to childhood.
The structure
and the staff
This institution is situated
in the suburb of Sofia, in a friendly context, not far from the center of the
town. The building was remodeled nicely and equipped with lift before the opening
and adapted for 8 children with strong disabilities (blindness, paralysis, and
so on), from 9 to 18 years old. The rooms are for two persons, and at the roof
there is a large and well equipped recreation room with an own kitchen, where
the staff prepares meals, involving the children.
The nurses who take care to
children for 24 hours a day, are without specific profession. That is not
required by the institutions, by law.
The center has a director and
a psychologist and external special teachers for the education and specialist from
the University for rehabilitation cares.
We found that all the staff
were really kind and devoted to the children and the institution was friendly
and has a family atmosphere.
Activities and treatments
The nurses are working with
children following an individual program, mostly developing consciousness of
their own body, their own movements, to connect their minds to the body and
vice versa.
We found interesting - an
example of a reverse integration -, that one of the nurses who’s working in the
institution, having a 5 years old son, without any other solution keeps his son
with herself during the working hours: his child has no problem with playing
with the other strongly disable mates.
Children also receive an
education by special teachers for Monday till Friday until 2 p.m. (they are
following a special individualised program for each child, elaborated together by
nurses, psychologist, teachers and other specialist) and rehabilitative cares
by University specialists.
Sometimes the institution
organizes a kind of small holidays sending the children in other centers.
The institution has a small
garden where they can spend spare times, and often they go out to the public
garden, although the sidewalks in Sofia are dangerous not only for wheelchairs
but able people, too.
Due to financing problems they
do not have any other possibility to leave the institution.
The future of the children
The children of the
institution, due to their multiply disabilities, physical and mental, have few
possibilities to be integrated with able children. The small group works as a
kind of family. They know each other, they work together during activities for
Without direct experience in
the past, the management and the special staff are thinking about the future of
their children. After their 18th
birthday they should leave the institution. But outside they have no any
possibility, given the lack of any other institution of the same kind for
adults. They are not able to manage themselves, especially to find a job, to be
on their own. In this case, they would need other institutions to continue to
be protected and developed. The question is: if in the small group care home
they felt themselves at home, with their “brothers and sisters”, why they
should leave?
Ádám Fekete – Progetti Nonprofit Kft.
„ALL INCLUSIVE“ – 5 th Mobility
Bulgaria, Sofia office
report meeting - 13.04.2013 - 09:00 – 12:00
Hungary- Örökmozgó: Erika Kolumbán,
Márk Pulay
Italy- Arca: Chiara Cheloni
Italy- Pegaso: Giancluca
Romania - Laura Ház:
Hungary- Progetti: Claudia Piovano
On 13th April 2013 in the
period 9.00-12.00 AM final meeting of the partners under “ALL INCLUSIVE” project
was held in NBDN office. The questions under discussion were concerning
the forthcoming reporting and task distribution among the participants. The
discussion started with the results at project end and the opportunity to apply
vocational training in the context of
labor market requirements.
20th April 2013 was set as deadline
for the NBDN team to decide whether it would be able to:
collect, generalize and
prepare informational materials to be printed inclusive of pictures, text,
drawings and tables;
select lowest price offer for printing of 350 items of brochures,
booklets; publications consisting of about 10 pages ( 50 items per each
organization ).
Generalization will include:
presentation of
current situation in the different countries – text and pictures;
description of services provided by
professions under discussion in the different countries;
legal framework
of professions execution.
All participants decided to prepare such reports
consisting of up to one page.
The discussion focused on the following two topics:
What did the
project complete and our work connected to it?
What do we think
about integration?
The answers to those questions will be developed in up
to ten pages including information about what we have seen in the different
countries, in what way specific services have contributed to society; what
conclusions we have made concerning the monitoring and offers after monitoring
Erika Kolumbán,
Márk Pulay from Hungary- Örökmozgó will prepare a map of social competences/ social
profile of professions monitored in Romania
and Germany .
The partners asked Haralan Alexandrov and Anet Marinova from the Bulgarian team
to prepare a “Conclusion” about the monitoring visits from their professional
university point of view.
Claudia Piovano concluded the most significant moments
of the forthcoming activities:
team reports;
final report of all teams.
In connection to report preparation for the EU and Italian colleagues
Arca and Pegaso suggestion in this sense all informational
boards, lists and reports of all participating countries will be collected. Erika Kolumbán proposed that if the Italian colleagues collect the
data it will not be necessary every team to do it itself. Every team will
prepare their materials and the Italian organizations will summarize the
A question to the NBDN was asked if we would be able to prepare copies
of the final report and CDs.
Claudia Piovano offered that every team would issue a
signed and sealed Certificate including all participants, i.e. one Certificate
pointing all participants which will be sent to all partnering organizations.
Deadline for this activity will be two weeks.
The final meeting of “ALL INCLUSIVE” project held on 13th April 2013 ended after conclusion of the
above aspects.
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