Progetto V.A.I. is one of these services. It literally means Independent (I) Adult (A) Life (V) Project. The project is a services of “Società della Salute Fiorentina Sud-Est”: a consortium of municipality of the area south east of Firenze, that includes 16 municipality.
Arca, with another cooperative “Cooperativa Inchiostro”, menages Progetto Vai since few years. The services is aimed to young disabled people, with 104/92 certification, from 16 to 35 years old.
According with 104/92 and 68/99 laws, V.A.I. Project ménage job training program and social housing for young disabled people, who lives in the 16 municipality and who are in charge of social case workers.
Useful terms:
Handicap and disability: handicap means the social disadvantage deriving from disability. Disability and handicap are ruled by the law 104/92 that we will explain in the following pages.
Civil invalidity: it is recognized as a civil invalid the person who has a reduction of at least one/third of his working capacity, because of physical, psychic (congenital or acquired) problems. Civil invalidity is ruled by law 118/71.
Disability and invalidity have not the same meaning. Same conditions can be found in the same individual, but not necessarily civil invalidity is verified with disability and viceversa.
Law 104/92 rules assistance and social integration as well as the rights of disabled. It promotes disabled people integration through benefits favouring inclusion of disabled persons in a social context. Through this law disabled people are entitled to receive various facilitations but no economical advantage.
People with a permanent a reduction of at least one/third of working capacity (34%) or younger than 18 with difficulties in performing the functions and duties of their age, are considered civil invalids.
Civil invalidity is expressed by the percentage of working capacity reduction.
According to the recognized percentage different rights and benefits are acknowledged:
34% invalidity - impairments related prosthesis are free in addition to any other benefit qualifying as a civil invalid;
46% invalidity - the enrolment in the employment office lists (employment centers of the provinces) aiming the mandatory employment in public or private agencies (L. 68/99);
67% invalidity - it is granted the ticket-exemption for specific health services, it is also granted primary and secondary school and university fees exemption, provided the invalid belongs in a disadvantaged family;
74% invalidity – a monthly allowance is granted;
75% invalidity or more - to public or private disabled employees are acknowledged 2 months of notional income every worked year;
100% - inability pension. In case the invalid is also completely reliant on others he is entitled to the attendance allowance.
Law 68/99 favours the integration of disables into the working world, through a targeted employment putting into evidence the personal working potential with actions suitable to a job placement.
In Italy, targeted employment is ruled by Provinces dealing with various services related to the employment.
Once over compulsory education, young disabled with civil invalidity higher than 46%, can enrol to the targeted employment and take advantage of training courses before employment.
Law 68/99 establishes that public agencies and private companies must employ from targeted employment 1disabled every 15 employees. Disabled can be hired also by B type Social Cooperatives.
As far as Law 68/99, disabled persons are:
- Civil invalid with working capacity reduction higher than 45%
- Disabled workers, invalidity higher than 33%
- Blind
- Deaf mute
- War invalid
- Widows, orphans and equivalent, of war dead, war-service-work invalid
- Italian repatriated refugees
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