Thursday, 22 December 2011

Visit at the Peto Institute – 24 November 2011 – Budapest

In the 24 November morning we have visited the Peto Institute.

The Institute is located in the city of Budapest and it is accessible by public transport. It is a big one building and for the first impression I thought It was a chilly environment, more suitable for adult than child. It look like a college school. In the building there are not any architectural barriers.
After a brief visit at the institute, the organizers have divided us into two groups in order to visit and observe two different activities that are carried out to the Peto Institute.

I have visited the “Mother and Child Group” .
This group is for children with special needs and their mother. In the group there were two conductors, they work in the group with the conductive education program. We entered in the room and we sat down to look for the activity.
The conductors were doing some exercises with mother and child useful for the children’s rehabilitation. There are many toys in the room, useful for the exercise. All the toys are very engaging for the children. Usually take part at the group 8 child with 8 mother, in that occasion there were only 3 children with their mother. The role of the conductors is very important: the first conductor sing and show the exercise, the second one help the mothers to do the right move. Children learn the right moves by playing. All activities are done by song to give rhythm to the movements. Parents and child spend several weeks at the institute. During this period they have a lot of activities, also during the care moments. In this way when they come home they can continue with the exercises

It is very difficult to summarize in a few lines the experience at the Peto Institute. I Think also we had a few times to look for everything. I could not see if the children have any time for the free playing or some moments to play or relate together.
I think it is a very important method of medical rehabilitation, but still have not understood the educational point of view.

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